zombie 109 - Alice in zombieland

This oil painted Alice in Wonderland image was funded by +Denise Morgan Kalicki and features my take on Alice gone zombie in a world of giant mushrooms and a creepy smiling zombie cat in the sky. I think this picture was taken while the paint was still wet because its not quite that shiny in real life.

If you want to be part of the 1000 zombies project, or want to see someone or something turned in to a zombie, follow this link.

zombie 108 - Samantha

It's funny how things can go full circle. When I first created this painting of +Samantha Villenave it was after a month long hiatus from the project due to burnout and other issues. Now I'm posting to this blog for the first time in over a month and it's with this image. Maybe there's some sort of pattern or cycle I need to figure out.

Whatever the case may be, this is still one of my favorite oil painted zombies for the project and just seeing it again makes me want to go grab the brushes and paint and start in on some poor unsuspecting canvas.

If you want to get drawn as a zombie, follow this link.